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How to Use a German Verb


What is a verb?

Verbs indicate an action such as "Deutsch lernen", a process such as "schlafen" or a state such as "sein". German verbs have to be conjugated. You change the ending depending on the person, whether it is singular or plural, and which tense you use. 

Without verbs, a sentence hardly makes sense. What a "verb" is is easily explained. There are different types of verbs: full verb, auxiliary verb, and modal verb. A full verb can stand alone (e.g. ich esse, I eat), while an auxiliary verb always stands together with another verb.



Verbs are (usually) in the second position of a main clause.

There are exceptions to this rule. The following sentences explain where your verbs should be placed:


Ich mag den Hund. (I like the dog.)
This sentence shows us the classic verb position. In all main clauses, the verb (to like) is in second place between the subject (I) and the direct object (dog).

Ich mag den Hund und ich gebe ihm das Essen. (I like the dog and I give him the food).
Two independent clauses connected by "und" (and), but the composition of the clauses does not change the position of the verbs in the two clauses. They are still second to the subject.


Ich gebe dem Hund das Essen, weil er Hunger hat. (I give the dog the food because he is hungry).
This sentence consists of two sentences, just like the previous example, but the last part of the sentence is a subordinate clause with the conjunction "weil"(because). This conjunction places the verb in the second sentence at the end of the sentence. The rule for subordinate clauses is: conjunction first, verb last. "Because" always moves the verb to the end of the sentence.

Weil ich ein Haustier wollte, kaufte ich einen Hund. (Because I wanted a pet, I bought a dog).
This sentence begins with a subordinate clause, and the conjunction "because" moves the verb to the end of the sentence. Now the "verb to verb" rule applies.  After a verb and a comma, we immediately need the verb from the next sentence. So in the example above, our verb comma verb is wollte, kaufte (wanted, bought).

Ich habe einen Hund gesehen (I saw a dog.)
For the German Present Perfect Tense, you need a form of haben or sein as well as a Past Participle. The form haben or sein is in the second position, as in all simple sentences. However, the past participle is placed at the end of the sentence.

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Important German verbs (1).jpg

Example sentences with the most important German verbs:


Ich sage, was ich meine.

Sie fragt, wo der Supermarkt ist.

Wir schwimmen im Meer.

Das Kind sieht eine Katze.

Die Mädchen gehen in die Stadt.

Wir laufen durch den Park.

Ihr steht an der Straßenecke.

Sie singt die ganze Zeit.

Ich liege auf dem Bett.

Die Kinder spielen auf der Straße.

Sie zeigen ihren Freunden ihr neues Haus.

Wir wandern in den Bergen.

Er denkt oft an seinen Lieblingsfilm.

Sie sehen gern fern.

Sie schreibt ihre eigenen Geschichten.

Wir werfen den Ball im Kreis herum.

In meiner Freizeit lese ich gern.

Sie kauft einen neuen Mantel.

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