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German Nouns 

How to learn German Nouns

What is a noun?

Nouns appear everywhere in our writing. But what types of nouns are there in the German language, and how are they used? A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are easy to recognise in German because they are all capitalised.

What is a noun

Understanding German nouns is essential for effective communication and proper sentence construction. Here are some key points to know about German nouns:

  • Gender: German nouns have grammatical gender: masculine, feminine, and neuter. This gender determines the articles, adjectives, and pronouns that accompany the noun. It's crucial to learn the gender of each noun.
    Quick Tip: Use colour-coding or mnemonic devices to remember genders.


  • Articles: German nouns are always accompanied by articles ("der," "die," "das"). Articles change based on the gender, case, and number of the noun. Learning the correct article is essential for forming grammatically correct sentences.
    Quick Tip: Create flashcards with nouns and articles for practice.


  • Capitalisation: All German nouns are capitalised. This distinguishes nouns from other parts of speech in a sentence.
    Quick Tip: Imagine nouns as important names, always deserving a capital letter.


  • Plural Forms: Nouns have different plural forms, and the plural affects the articles and sometimes the noun itself. For example, "der Tisch" (singular) becomes "die Tische" (plural).
    Quick Tip: When learning a noun, also learn its plural form for better retention.


  • Compound Nouns: German often forms compound nouns by combining multiple words. The first word determines the gender and overall meaning. For instance, "die Sonnenbrille" (sunglasses).
    Quick Tip: Break down compound nouns into their individual parts to understand their meanings.


  • Endings: Some endings can indicate the gender of a noun. For example, many nouns ending in "ung" are feminine, like "die Wohnung" (apartment). 
    Quick Tip: Group nouns with similar endings to remember their genders collectively.


  • Noun Cases: Though not exclusively about nouns, cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive) affect how nouns interact with other words in a sentence. While cases are important, focusing on gender and articles is usually a priority for beginners.
    Quick Tip: Begin with basic sentences to practise nouns in different cases.


  • Vocabulary: Building a strong vocabulary of nouns is crucial for effective communication. Practise learning nouns alongside their corresponding articles.
    Quick Tip: Label objects in your surroundings with their German nouns to reinforce your vocabulary.


  • Context: Context often helps determine the gender of nouns. Pay attention to articles and adjectives that appear with nouns to understand their gender.
    Quick Tip: Notice the words that often appear before nouns to help remember their genders.


  • Learning Strategy: Employ mnemonic devices, flashcards, or colour-coding to associate genders with nouns. Consistent practice is key to internalising genders.
    Quick Tip: Create stories or associations that link nouns and their genders.


  • Practice: Engage in conversations, reading, and writing to reinforce your understanding of nouns in context. 
    Quick Tip: Write short paragraphs using new nouns to practise using them in context.



A German noun is a word that identifies a person, place, thing, or concept. It is a fundamental part of speech and plays a crucial role in constructing sentences and conveying meaning in the German language. Nouns are often used as the subject of a sentence, the object of a verb, or to provide essential information in various contexts.




Nouns & Gender

In German, nouns have grammatical gender, which means they are categorised as masculine (der), feminine (die), or neuter (das). The gender of a noun affects the articles, adjectives, and pronouns used with it. This gender distinction might not align with the actual biological gender of the object being referred to; it's simply a grammatical characteristic. 

  • Masculine: der Tisch (the table)

  • Feminine: die Tür (the door)

  • Neuter: das Buch (the book)



Nouns in German also have different forms based on the grammatical case (subject, direct object, indirect object, etc.) and number (singular and plural). The case and number of a noun determine its function within a sentence, such as whether it's the subject, object, or possessive element.

Understanding German nouns and their gender, case, and number forms is essential for proper sentence construction and effective communication in the language. Remember, while nouns are an important aspect of the German language, mastering them takes time and practice. Start with the basics and gradually expand your knowledge as you become more comfortable with the language.

Nouns and gender

German nouns have different articles
masculine, feminine, and neuter

Nouns can name a person:

Madonna, der Hund, the dog, mein Kind, my child, der Junge, the boy

Nouns can also name a place: 

Meine Heimat, my home, Deutschland, Germany, mein Wohnzimmer, my living room

Nouns can also denote things, although sometimes they are intangible things, such as concepts, activities, or processes. Some can even be hypothetical or imaginary things.

der Schuh, shoe, die Wolke, cloud, die Freiheit, freedom, der Fußball, football, das Glück, luck


Das Alphabet (1).jpg

You can see from the nouns in the alphabet that the gender of a noun usually has little to do with the properties of the object. This is because the gender of a noun is a grammatical concept that has to do with words and not with physical properties of the things they represent.


For this reason, the same object can be referred to by nouns of different genders. A car can be referred to as das Auto or der Wagen, depending on what the person prefers. A camera is die Kamera or der Fotoapparat. The season spring can be either der Frühling or das Frühjahr.

When a noun refers to a person, the gender of the word usually corresponds to the physical sex of the person: der Mann (man)  is masculine, die Frau (woman) is feminine. However, grammatical gender and physical gender do not always agree; for example, the gender of the word child, das Kind, is a neuter, regardless of whether the child is male or female.



It can be helpful to think of gender as simply categories of nouns to avoid confusion with the concept of physical gender.


Definite Articles #1

Definite Articles #2

inDefinite Articles #1

How to use the correct German Gender

The genders of many nouns are unpredictable for German students, but there are several types of nouns that belong to a particular gender category. These may be specific groups of nouns that refer to similar things, or they may share common linguistic features.

It is much more efficient to memorise the overarching gender categories of nouns than the gender of each individual German noun. The most important part of a noun is the end of the noun, the suffix. There are certain suffixes that are almost exclusively masculine, feminine, and neuter. 

Nouns with two genders

​It's important to be aware that certain German nouns exhibit more than one gender. In specific instances, a handful of nouns can assume two genders, and on occasion, one of these genders may only be prevalent in particular regions. For instance, "der/das Marzipan" refers to marzipan, with "der Marzipan" being more common in Austria. Similarly, "der/das Keks" refers to biscuit, with "das Keks" being the preferred term in Austria. Likewise, "der/das Kaugummi" denotes chewing gum, with "das Kaugummi" being used predominantly in Austria.


Furthermore, there are additional nouns with dual genders, where the significance of the word alters based on the gender it adopts. For example, "der Band" embodies the meanings of volume or book, whereas "das Band" signifies ribbon, band, tape, or even a bond. Similarly, "der See" denotes a lake, whereas "die See" pertains to the vastness of the sea. In a similar vein, "der Leiter" translates to leader or manager, while "die Leiter" represents a ladder.

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Exercise Nouns with 2 genders

Different Meaning Depending on Gender

Although spelled the same, these nouns have different meanings and are considered unrelated, separate nouns.  In the German language, certain nouns exhibit a fascinating phenomenon where their genders are intrinsically tied to their meanings. These nouns hold distinct significance based on their gender, showcasing the intricate interplay between linguistic attributes and semantics. For instance, consider "der Band."


Depending on its gender, this noun transforms its meaning. As a masculine noun, "der Band" signifies a volume or book, encapsulating knowledge and stories. However, when assuming the feminine form as "das Band," it morphs into a ribbon, tape, or even a bond that connects. Similarly, "der See" and "die See" mirror this phenomenon. "Der See," when masculine, refers to a lake, while the feminine "die See" encompasses the vast expanse of the sea. This interconnection between gender and meaning not only underscores the complexity of the German language but also enriches the linguistic experience for learners and speakers alike.

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Quick Tip: Create flashcards with the noun, its gender, and a corresponding image to enhance memory retention and reinforce your understanding of German nouns.

2 genders
Weak Nouns

Weak nouns / Masculine nouns

How to learn German Nouns

Weak nouns, also called masculine n-nouns, are a group of masculine nouns in German with a special declension. In addition to inflecting the article, these nouns themselves add an -en or -n ending (-n if the noun already ends in -e) in every case and number except the nominative singular.

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Many weak nouns refer to people or animals: the student, the boy, the gentleman, the neighbour, the Frenchman, the elephant, the rabbit, the monkey. For weak nouns that do not refer to people or animals, an additional -s suffix is added to the genitive singular.


Most masculine -n nouns are easy to recognise. Here are some examples:

  • Masculine nouns ending in an unaccented -e: der Löwe, der Kunde, der Hase, der Name

  • Nouns of foreign origin with their accent on the final syllable. The foreign origin often shows in the word suffixes (-ant, -ast, -ent, -et, -ist, -nom, -oph, -ot, etc.): der Polizist, der Assistent, der Philosoph, der Despot, der Astronom, der Gymnasiast

  • A handful of other monosyllabic masculine nouns denoting male beings, including animals: der Bär, der Christ, der Mensch, der Prinz, der Narr, der Bauer

Within these rules, there are two anomalies: der Herr, which has an -n ending in the singular declension and an -en ending in the plural declension and das Herz, a neuter noun that takes the masculine -n noun suffixes except in the accusative singular.

Weak/ masculine nouns

Adjectival nouns

Some masculine and feminine nouns referring to persons are sometimes formed from adjectives or participles used as adjectives. While it is possible to create an adjectival noun spontaneously when needed, some of these nouns have become preferred names for certain persons or things.

most common adjectIves

Adjectival nouns  GMM.jpg

Adjective - definition

Adjectival noun definition

geliebt - loved    

jugendlich - youthful     

krank - sick     

reisend - traveling    

tot - dead    

verletzt - hurt     

verlobt - engaged     

der / die Geliebte - lover

der / die Jugendliche - adolescent

der / die Kranke - sick person

der / die Reisende - traveler

der / die Tote - dead person

der / die Verletzte - injured person

der / die Verlobte - fiancé

Neutral nouns formed from adjectives indicate ideas, concepts, or abstractions.

Adjectival nouns

Adjectival nouns will always be capitalised and have the same endings as adjectives.

Adjectival nouns German

Important: The endings of adjectives are determined by the case, gender, and number of the noun they describe. The same applies to adjectival nouns, except that the gender of the adjectival noun depends on whether it refers to a male or female person or an abstract concept or idea.



Die Kranken wurden zum Arzt gebracht. The sick people were brought to the doctor.    

In Dublin haben wir viele nette Deutsche kennengelernt. In Dublin we met many nice Germans.    

Die Haarfarbe des Mannes hat sie vergessen. She forgot the colour of the man's hair.    
Als er ankam, hat er das Neuste erzählt. When he arrived, he reported the most recent news.    
Ich gebe immer mein Bestes. I always do my best.

When adjectival nouns in the neuter follow the indefinite pronouns etwas, nichts, viel and wenig, which cannot be declined, they must take the strong adjectival endings, since these pronouns do not carry case information. When adjectival nouns follow the declinable pronoun "alles", they take weak adjectival endings, since the pronoun "alles" is declined to carry the relevant case information.


Er schenkt mir immer etwas Schönes zum Geburtstag. He always gives me something nice for my birthday.    

Ich habe ihm viel Wichtiges zu sagen. I have a lot of important things to tell him.    

Heute muss sich der neue Kollege mit viel Neuem beschäftigen. Today the new colleague has to occupy himself with lots of new things.

Wir haben ihm alles Gute gewünscht. We wished him all the best. 

Adjectival nouns

Infinitive nouns

Almost any verb can be converted into a noun by capitalising the infinitive. Such nouns are always neuter and usually correspond to the -ing form in English.

While in English, such gerunds are usually used without an article, in German, they are often given a definite article.

Das Laufen fällt mir schwer. Running is difficult for me.
In meinen freien Stunden genieße ich das Schauen spannender Reportagen. In my free time I enjoy watching suspenseful documentaries.
Wann fängst du mit dem Lernen an? When will you start learning?    

Compound Nouns

Compound nouns


The German language contains numerous compound nouns. These consist of two or more words joined together to form a single word. The compound words can be not only nouns, but also adjectives, adverbs, verb stems, and prepositions.

However, the last element of the combination must be a noun. German also allows the invention of new compounds.


Important: The last word in the compound always determines the gender and the plural form of the compound noun.

The formation of new nouns happens relatively often in the German language. In a compound noun (plural: composita), different words are combined to form a new word. A compound noun consists of at least two words. A noun compound can also consist of many different words. Sometimes a compound noun is made up of four, five, six or more individual words (see examples). In a compound noun, the last noun determines the genus and the numerus. A compound noun can be composed of:


  • Nomen + Nomen

das Haus + die Tür = die Haustür

das Haus + die Tür + der Schlüssel = der Haustürschlüssel

  • Verb + Nomen

schlafen + das Zimmer = das Schlafzimmer

  • Adjektiv + Nomen

alt + das Papier = das Altpapier

  • Adverb + Nomen

rechts + die Kurve = die Rechtskurve


If two nouns are strung together, this happens directly with the majority of these word combinations:

das Auto+ die Tür = die Autotür; die Kinder + das Fahrrad = das Kinderfahrrad
the car+ the door = the car door;  the children + the bicycle = the children's bicycle.


In about 30 per cent of the compounds, a so-called "Fugenzeichen" is inserted. A Fugenzeichen is a connecting sound between the two words, usually -e, -(e)s, -(e)n or -er. Unfortunately, there are no fixed rules for the insertion. The " Fugen-s " is relatively common. It mostly serves the purpose of pronunciation.

Some selected examples:

Fugenzeichen -e (more rarely; often verb (-(e)n from the infinitive is dropped) + noun).
lesen + die Brille = die Lesebrille; baden + das Zimmer = das Badezimmer; der Hund + die Hütte = die Hundehütte; die Maus + die Falle = die Mausefalle

Fugenzeichen -(e)s ( more common ) Often found in compounds with words on -tum, -ling, -ion, -tät, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -sicht, and -ung.
die Gesundheit + der Minister = der Gesundheitsminister; die Schwangerschaft + der Test = der Schwangerschaftstest; die Geburt + der Tag + das Geschenk = das Geburtstagsgeschenk

Fugenzeichen  -(e)n (usually the corresponding plural form)
der Student + der Ausweis = der Studentenausweis; die Straße + die Bahn = die Straßenbahn; die Schokolade + der Kuchen = der Schokoladenkuchen; der Rabe + die Mutter = die Rabenmutter


Some examples of long compounds

  • die Armbrust

  • die Mehrzweckhalle

  • das Mehrzweckkirschentkerngerät

  • die Gemeindegrundsteuerveranlagung

  • die Nummernschildbedruckungsmaschine

  • der Mehrkornroggenvollkornbrotmehlzulieferer

  • der Schifffahrtskapitänsmützenmaterialhersteller

  • die Verkehrsinfrastrukturfinanzierungsgesellschaft

  • die Feuerwehrrettungshubschraubernotlandeplatzaufseherin

  • der Oberpostdirektionsbriefmarkenstempelautomatenmechaniker

  • das Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz

  • die Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft



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Some words require an -n-, -en-, -s- or -es- between the combined words.

compound nouns

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